Welcome to KASS
K.A.S.S. is an association of Scottish / Caledonian societies many of which are Scottish country dance groups.
The map indicates where the clubs and societies are located in Kent.
Who's Who?
Chair: Helen Cole (Isle of Thanet SCD)
Vice chair: Vacant
Secretary: Jane Whittington (Meopham)
Treasurer: Rhiannon Churchill (Tonbridge)
Events Coordinator: Vacant
Website Manager: Brian Knell (Cobtree)
(Updated 18th May 2024.)
KASS now has a Facebook page.
KASS Newsletter 81 (May 2024) is available here. Newsletter 82 is expected in November 2024. If you have an article or other contribution please email it to the Newsletter Editor; articles for publication in issue 82 should arrive by the end of October 2024.
When Do Clubs Meet
Do you ever have a day or evening when you are looking for something to do?
Here is a list of when the KASS dance groups meet. If you ever fancy visiting any classes or club meetings, please look on the Club pages on the KASS website for further details and check with the group to ensure they are meeting the day you intend too visit to avoid a wasted journey!
Use the links in the table to find more details and this link
to contact the club.
Picture Gallery
The picture gallery contains images taken at the 2011 Diamond Jubilee Ball and many other KASS events.
See more images.
Dance Demonstrations and Pipers
Some clubs and individuals are willing to provide Scottish Dance and Music demonstrations within their locality.