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KASS Shield

K.A.S.S. Events

KASS Shield


Saturday 8th February.

KASS Workshop
Lenham Community Centre, Groom Way, Lenham. ME17 2QT

Saturday 5th April.

KASS Committee Meeting (11.30am)
KASS Tea Dance (2pm)
both at
Lenham Community Centre, Groom Way, Lenham. ME17 2QT

Saturday 1st November.

KASS Committee Meeting and AGM (11.30am)
KASS Tea Dance (2pm)
both at
Lenham Community Centre, Groom Way, Lenham. ME17 2QT

More details will be shown here closer to the event.


Dance Collage
Dancers at the well attended April Workshop


Dance Collage
Dancers at the October Tea Dance after the AGM


KASS Walk 2022 participants
Participants in the 2022 KASS Walk. On Sunday 26th June, Helen Cole and Helen Knell led two walks, one of two miles and one of five miles, passing through woods, farmland and orchards, and visiting Bigbury Camp and a small nature reserve.

After serving KASS for 10 years Jane W. and Helen K. stepped down as Events Coordinators at the AGM in 2019. If KASS events are to continue, new coordinators or a new coordinator must take on this role. If you can help please contact the KASS secretary. We are grateful to Helen Cole and Helen Knell for organising the 2022 KASS Walk on a one-off basis.

At a KASS Ball